Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Need some help?

Poor Ethan had sunscreen in his eyes! :(

I love this blog!! We all have at least a thousand stories to tell, so let's keep this thing rolling. She'd love it!

I too am not good at writing, so here goes. When Chris and I first met back in 1996 Gram was down here. She took one look at him and told me that he would be the guy that I'd marry. We all know that Gram had a sixth sense about things. I can hear her now saying, "I knew it. I just had a feeling. I get these feelings, ya know." God I miss her. Anyway, we went out to this honky tonk bar down here called the Long Branch. She had had a few of her whatever Russians that she liked and was feeling pretty good. I remember walking in to the bar and looking at the moon. She was telling me that if you could hang a pail on the moon, it wouldn't rain the next day. Well, Chris said that he needed to pee. Of course at my young 17 year old age I was horrified when Gram asked him if he needed some help! We had all JUST met him! Two kids later and who cares now, right? She also fell on the dance floor dancing with him and just laughed it off. She also slept in the same room with him! She was such an amazing person and we all need to thank God for allowing her to be the head of our family. She is always with us. I dream about her talking to me at least once a week. I hate waking from those dreams because they seem so real. I love you, Gram and will tell more stories of you soon.



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