Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How do you know?

Maybe if I tell another story, it'll get the ball rolling. Gram was down here visiting us several years ago and wanted to cook dinner for Chris and I. We went to the grocery store to get everything. Well, when we started to check out, I told Gram that I wanted to pay for everything. Of course, she argued with me. I was relentless in that I wanted to pay. I knew Gram was on a fixed income. We argued back and forth and I finally said, "Gram, you can't afford this. Let me get it." In true Gram form, she said, "How do you know what I can afford?? Now get out of my way! I'm paying!" There's no arguing with Gram. Guess who won?
Here's another one. I remember when we lived in Raymond and Gram lived next door to us (I had to be pretty young, but I remember this like it was yesterday) and we were washing dishes together. I admitted to her that I didn't completely dry the silverware before putting it away. When Gram told me that she didn't either, I remember being so excited that I did something just like Gram. I proceeded to tell her that I didn't completely rinse them either! She told me that she always rinsed them completely (which looking back I find hard to believe since everything was sooo fast paced with Gram!). I was so disappointed when she told me that! I thought for sure she didn't rinse them just like me! I of course always rinse everything over and over now. Thanks for the dishes lesson, Gram and I know, the dishes aren't done until they are dried and put away! I love you!

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